Melissa Buffaloe works in games, and Rebecca Kimmel brutalizes those younger, though not necessarily shorter than her in her teaching activities across the Southland. That's Los Angeles, ya'll. Yeeeee haaaaaaw! This blog is a quiet spot on the internets where we can post our feeble efforts toward artistic tomfoolery. This may include but is not limited to: sketches, drawings, paintings in both traditional and digital format, genteel musings, mad ravings, inspiration, and cats.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

In the beginning, there was a vacation......,

So Rebecca and I decided to start this blog one night while we were running around San Francisco refueling our art tanks. We'd both been feeling a bit wiped out artistically, and in need of some fresh inspiration. A change of scenery usually does the trick for me and seems to work for my partner in crime as well! Rebecca and I thought that this blog might help us keep that momentum going... keep pushing us to make more art and take notice of everyday inspiration. And so, here we go:

This first image from my end of this project is just a doodle I did one night on our trip after I bought an especially interesting book of Mucha drawings :)



Rebecca Kimmel said...

Yay! This thing is finally started...I'm glad that only about 3 sets of eyes will be on this thing. ;)

Very cool drawing, it's great to see you follow through on our wittle pact. Woot!


Melissa Buffaloe said...

of course! I needs my art buddies to kick me in the butt once in a while ;)
