Melissa Buffaloe works in games, and Rebecca Kimmel brutalizes those younger, though not necessarily shorter than her in her teaching activities across the Southland. That's Los Angeles, ya'll. Yeeeee haaaaaaw! This blog is a quiet spot on the internets where we can post our feeble efforts toward artistic tomfoolery. This may include but is not limited to: sketches, drawings, paintings in both traditional and digital format, genteel musings, mad ravings, inspiration, and cats.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Dragging myself out of bed so early is never fun, especially when it's so I can take Jim to the airport, but there are advantages to being up before the sun...


Rebecca Kimmel said...

Cool pics Mel! Missed you at the LA Art Show, it was pretty amazing. Next year we'll definitely have to drag you out. :)

Melissa Buffaloe said...

haha fooor sure ;)

Yeah see how I'm stealing your black border thing? mwuahahah.....


Rebecca Kimmel said...

Picking up a significant other from LAX: $16. Using a digital camera to take photos of sunrises: $.05. Using a black 2 pixel stroke border on photos: Priceless.

Melissa Buffaloe said...

aaaaahahahahaha :D
