Melissa Buffaloe works in games, and Rebecca Kimmel brutalizes those younger, though not necessarily shorter than her in her teaching activities across the Southland. That's Los Angeles, ya'll. Yeeeee haaaaaaw! This blog is a quiet spot on the internets where we can post our feeble efforts toward artistic tomfoolery. This may include but is not limited to: sketches, drawings, paintings in both traditional and digital format, genteel musings, mad ravings, inspiration, and cats.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Movie Night!

Ok so your post about the Rape of Europa reminded me... I have that on my instant viewing queue in Netflix and now we can watch it through the XBox 360 on a nice big screen ;) Sooo we should have movie night! There are several cool art documentaries we can check out too.....

Yeah, yeah I'll post my crappy sketch... you're right ... it's all about the process! But I ... uh... have to go home to get it.... yeah.. that's it!

Oh and thank you, thank you.... I'm now a famous Nobel Prize winning author. Well, thanks to Rebecca's mad Photoshop skillz ;)
